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The Celtic Canter 5K is a local tradition that combines Irish fun and festivities with a family friendly race experience. It's typically an event that brings out a large mix of runners and walkers, people of all ages, running through the streets of my neighborhood. But the 2022 Celtic Canter was a little different. Let's just say that "I-rish" it was nicer weather!
This year, I had signed up for the Celtic Canter 5K with my 10 year old son to make it a family event. He's been working hard training for soccer and swim and enjoys getting out there for some races. He was also really excited to learn that his soccer coach and one of his teammates was running the race as well. We all know running is more fun with friends! When we signed up, I had visions of running the race with my son and then heading out with some friends after to enjoy the Irish festivities - bands, vendors, pub crawl, etc. - but Mother Nature had other plans.
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I've run this race several times before and it seems like it's always a chilly day. If you know anything about Maryland weather, it can always be a little crazy. . .especially at the change of seasons like in March! The day before the race was a beautiful 60 degree day with loads of sunshine. Forecasters were calling for snow, ice, and winds. . .scratches head. . .REALLY? Yeah, that forecast panned out.
I woke up at 6:30 to take the dogs out for their morning walk and the rain that was falling over night was JUST starting to turn over to snow - big, heavy, wet flakes. By 7:30, the ground was completely covered, but roads looked OK still. I was planning on just walking to the race start since it's less than 1/2 mile from our house, but decided against it not knowing how bad things were going to get. My husband and 7 year old son agreed to be our race support and at 8:30 we left the house for a 9AM start time. By the time we left, snow and ice were starting to stick on the road and we surprised to slide a little bit on the way there.
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The race organizers had set up a tent the night before near the start which was nice prior to the race. It was heated, dry, and home to some bagpipes. We hung out in there and met up with our running friends until the clock struck 9 and we made our way outside. Conditions had deteriorated rapidly and the road was a slushy covered mess. We were anxious to start - really more anxious to finish - but minutes kept passing and the race wasn't starting. Meanwhile, the cold slush was soaking into our shoes, freezing our feet and the wind gusts were pelting us with cold snow. Not sure if the rumor was true, but we heard from another runner that the delay was due to the snow plows knocking over the cones on the race course - the race runs on roads through downtown Westminster, MD and the roads are coned so that one side is for running while keeping the other side open to traffic.
By the time we eventually started at 9:17, we were already miserable. My husband had moved our van from the start line to a spot before mile maker 1 to be able to cheer us on. We hadn't even made it a tenth of a mile and my son was asking to bail on the race. I can't say I could argue. I couldn't feel my feet at all as they were thoroughly soaked through. We planned to make it to the van and then leave. Our running buddies decided to join us in bailing as well.
www.runningonpixiedust.com |
It was the first time I've had a DNF, but I didn't care in the least. The way we were slipping and sliding on the road had me worried about an injury just 3 weeks ahead of the runDisney Springtime Surprise weekend which I didn't want to risk and the weather was nothing less than brutal. We were so excited to see the van, hop in, and go get warm!
I did finish the race in the afternoon - but from the warmth and safety of my treadmill! I always thought my
2019 Frederick Half Marathon was going to go down as the craziest weather ever, but I think this race takes the cake.
What's the worst weather you've run a race in? Drop your stories in the comments below!