Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

How to Disneybound for Work

A few weeks ago, I decided to do a little experiment and see if I could do a whole week of Disneybound looks that were fashionable, professional, and recognizable.  I got a lot of love on social media with my posts and decided to follow-up here with some ins and outs of how to add a magical touch to your day by incorporating Disneybounding.

Keep it simple - I almost exclusively use solids when putting together a professional Disneybound look.  Many Disney characters have certain colors that are associated with them which, when mixed appropriately, can create a character inspired look without being over the top.  Below you can see that I took a solid red shirt and gold skirt to create my Winnie-the-Pooh outfit.  I was attending a conference for work and most people would never know I was Disneybounding, but once I shared that I was going to an advanced screening of Disney's Christopher Robin that night, I had several people say "you even look like Pooh Bear!"

Don't forget to accessorize - The accessories in a Disneybound can sometimes really put some polish on a look.  Without the pops of yellow from the necklace and earrings, the outfit below would not represent Dory.  I always keep my eyes open for fun accessories on the sale and clearance racks in stores.  For example, a simple red rose necklace paired with a yellow sundress can easily become Belle.  And the shoes!  Don't neglect your choice of footwear.  Cinderella would tell us that a pair of shoes can change your life, and I'm telling you a pair of shoes can change your Disneybound.  With my Ariel outfit, I couldn't incorporate her red hair into the actual clothing, but let it pop up in the shoes.

Have fun! - If you're fortunate enough to work in a place that let's you have fun with some your clothing some days, take advantage to go a little overboard!  I'm a middle school assistant principal so I get to participate in spirit weeks and goofy events on a regular basis.  To my kids and staff, I'm known for my love of Disney and they fully expect me to break out my Minnie looks whenever I can.  The beauty of Disneybounding is that you can have fun, but then quickly flip the switch back to professional if needed.  In my Minnie Mouse outfit, the red dress is simple and professional so all I have to do is remove the ears and gloves if I need to look a little more serious during the day.

Remember that at the end of the day, Disneybounding is all about the fun you have showing your Disneyside.  Whether you're channeling your inner Disney princess or your favorite cartoon friend, your friends and co-workers will certainly enjoy guessing who you are each day!

runDisney - The Fashion Edition

A quick Google image search of runDisney will let even the most novice fan of these races know that running in Disney is about way more than the race - it's about the fun!  And a large part of that fun is dressing the part.  Runners from the first corral to the last come to runDisney events sporting running outfits and sometimes full on costumes that showcase their favorite characters and their own personal "Disney Side."

This was the plan for my costumes.  There were a few slight changes that happened closer to race day.
If you're planning to run in Disney, there are a few basic things to know about costuming.  First of all, costumes are optional.  If it's not in your DNA to dress in a funny outfit while you run, no worries.  There are definitely people who don't opt to dress in Disney inspired gear, so you won't be alone.  Secondly, runDisney does have on their website the following guidelines related to costumes:

Screenshot from

Basically, be smart and don't wear anything that is unsafe or offensive.  Lastly, you don't have to be creative to create you ensemble.  Places such as Etsy have many crafty individuals who will gladly sell you a Disney themed racing outfit.  Or, you may even elect to create a Disney inspired look using running gear that you already own or can easily purchase.

I opted for the second choice.  While I love to think I'm creative and crafty, at the end of the day - not so much. . .especially when it comes to sewing.  So instead of going with a full on "costume," I opted to create Disney themed outfits that would be comfortable to run in because they are actually running gear.  

During the Wine and Dine Weekend, my first race was Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K.  For this race, I chose to go with a classic Minnie Mouse outfit.  I already owned the white tech shirt and black running shorts.  From a local Halloween store, I purchased the white Minnie Mouse gloves and I ordered the red and white polka dot running skirt from Rock City Skirts on Etsy.  Originally, I was planning on wearing my plain Minnie Mouse ears, but I opted to switch it out for the more festive Christmas one when we arrived in Disney.  I thought the outfit captured the classic characters of the race as well as the Christmas theme well!

For the half marathon, I decided to "Disneybound" as Snow White.  I already owned the royal blue tech shirt and added a yellow princess running skirt that I picked up at the runDisney expo from Running Skirts.  I know the cardinal rule of running a race is not to wear a new outfit on race day, but I felt comfortable using a new skirt from Running Skirts because I have used their products before.  I had purchased a headband with a red bow on it to complete my look, but after experiencing the brutal Florida heat and humidity in the days leading up to the race, I decided to lose the headband after a few pictures and trade it in for the more functional runDisney headband.

The costumes and fun of a runDisney race are part of what make these the most magical miles around!  Happy running friends!

Disney Bounding - Show your #DisneySide!

Disney Bounding is a term that even some of the more experienced Disney travelers don't know.  This is all about fashion and brining a little #DisneySide to your day without looking like you're a cartoon character.

The idea behind Disney Bounding is to dress in outfits that are "inspired" by a Disney character.  One quick search on Pinterest will give you lots of great ideas.  I've started to compile some of my favorites on a Pinterest board to keep an eye out for pieces as I shop.

I made my first attempt at Disney Bounding this past Monday for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road in New York City.  Here I am with Mickey. . .can you tell which character I'm going for??

If you guessed Belle, you'd be correct!  She is one of my favorite Disney princesses and the one I probably relate to the most.  This look is the classic small town Belle.  I have her signature blue dress and paired it a white cardigan.  I also wore black flats (which of course you can't see) to complete a simple Disney Bounding attempt.  The beauty of Disney Bounding is that it's like a little secret among Disney fans.  You wouldn't know that I'm Disney Bounding by the outfit above, unless you knew to look for it.  Periodically working Disney Bounding into your wardrobe is both a fun and fashionable way to share your #DisneySide!  Try it out and enjoy!!