Showing posts with label DisneySMMC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DisneySMMC. Show all posts

HP for Christmas!

As a Disney loving mom, I'm always collecting articles to help me plan my next Disney trip and reliving memories from my previous vacations.  When I attended the Disney Social Media Moms On the Road Celebration in New York City earlier this year, I was able to see some of the latest HP printing technology in action.  And just in time for any last minute shopping that may be on your list, I'm happy to share some details from HP that you won't want to miss!

The HP Envy 5540 e-All-in-One printer is perfect for all of your printing, scanning, and copying needs and it also includes 3 months of free HP Instant Ink.  HP Instant Ink allows you to pick a monthly subscription plan that works for you based on the number of pages printed.  When you are running low on ink, HP will automatically send some your way!  And with subscriptions as low as $2.99/month, it's a great way save money on your at home printing too.

As an added bonus for the holiday, HP is offering 6 months of free Instant Ink for printers enrolled by Dec. 31, 2015.  To enroll your printer in this program, visit  HP Instant Ink has no annual fee and you can change or cancel your plan at any time.

I was impressed with the quality of HP with their onsite printing during Disney Social Media Moms Celebration as well as the ease of use.  So whether your planning a vacation, creating a menu for a holiday meal, or working on a project for work or school, the HP Envy 5540 and HP Instant Ink are great companions for all of your printing needs! #NeverRunOut

This post was sponsored by HP and BSM Media.  Opinions are my own.

Great Apps for Capturing Your Memories!

While at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in New York City last month, we were shown two great apps that I have thoroughly enjoyed using over the past few weeks.  In my opinion, both of these apps provide a great way to capture favorite memories and experiences.

The first app is Magisto.  When using Magisto, you add your photos and videos then choose a theme and background music.  The way the app puts everything together is out of your control so you can't choose what you want to go first, second, etc.  However, I think you'll enjoy the way everything comes together for a final project.  This is a video that I created from our recent trip to a Baltimore Orioles game.  There is a free version of the app available, but what you are seeing here is the pro version though.  We received a code to get the premium version of the app free for one year "magistotrial12" which you can also use!  

The second app is Videolicious.  Similar to Magisto, Videolicious takes videos and photos to create a finished product.  One big difference is that you control the order in which your media files are displayed as well as the timing.  Here, you'll see Brody talking about what he is most excited to see and do on our upcoming Walt Disney World trip.  As you can see, some of my pictures were cut off.  Videolicious works best with photos and videos shot in landscape - something I'll have to keep in mind in the future.  I put this video together using the free version of the Videolicious app, but they have plenty of upgrades for purchase that look like neat tools.

Both apps are enjoyable and, if you're anything like me, you can easily spend an afternoon playing and reliving some great memories.  I hope that you have fun with these two apps!

Behind the Magic at the New Amsterdam Theatre

As part of the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road event in New York City, we were treated to a backstage tour of the New Amsterdam theatre.  Currently, the New Amsterdam Theatre, located on 7th Avenue and 42nd Street, is home to Disney’s Broadway hit, Aladdin.  While the show is relatively new to Broadway, the New Amsterdam theatre has a rich history and Disney has a tradition on Broadway that spans more than two decades.

We learned how they make miniature stages to plan out scenery and character placement.
The theatre itself was built in 1903 in the Art Nouveau style.  I’m not an architect or an artist, but I can say that it’s beautiful.  To give you an idea of the opulence and beauty inside the theater, it cost more than a million dollars to build back at the turn of the 20th century - think about how much that was back then!  Inside the theatre soft, muted colors and natural theming abound.  The theatre is also curvilinear meaning that you will rarely find a straight line inside.  While the theatre's history on Broadway has both its ups and downs, Disney has worked with the City of New York to restore this gem and keep it a treasured landmark of Old Broadway. 

Our tour guide shared lots of details about each Disney on Broadway show.
Enough of the history – let’s get to the fun stuff!  Disney on Broadway offers a Behind the Magic Tour of the theatre to groups of 10 or more.  We were treated to this unique and entertaining tour as part of our day.  The highlight of the tour (for me at least) was visiting the prop room.  Not only did we get the chance to see Broadway props and costumes from hits like Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King, but we also got to try them on and play with them.  Fun fact – the lioness headdress that I’m wearing below costs $7,000! 

The prop room was nothing short of amazing!

A big part of what I love about Disney is they know how to tap into the kid in all of us.  While I haven’t had the chance to see a Disney production on Broadway before, I now have a new appreciation for the work of the Disney team to bring magic to life each and every night.  I hope to be back soon for a night out on the town!

Disney Bounding - Show your #DisneySide!

Disney Bounding is a term that even some of the more experienced Disney travelers don't know.  This is all about fashion and brining a little #DisneySide to your day without looking like you're a cartoon character.

The idea behind Disney Bounding is to dress in outfits that are "inspired" by a Disney character.  One quick search on Pinterest will give you lots of great ideas.  I've started to compile some of my favorites on a Pinterest board to keep an eye out for pieces as I shop.

I made my first attempt at Disney Bounding this past Monday for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road in New York City.  Here I am with Mickey. . .can you tell which character I'm going for??

If you guessed Belle, you'd be correct!  She is one of my favorite Disney princesses and the one I probably relate to the most.  This look is the classic small town Belle.  I have her signature blue dress and paired it a white cardigan.  I also wore black flats (which of course you can't see) to complete a simple Disney Bounding attempt.  The beauty of Disney Bounding is that it's like a little secret among Disney fans.  You wouldn't know that I'm Disney Bounding by the outfit above, unless you knew to look for it.  Periodically working Disney Bounding into your wardrobe is both a fun and fashionable way to share your #DisneySide!  Try it out and enjoy!!

2015 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road Recap

I felt as though I was still flying in a cloud of pixie dust from that magical email that had arrived about 3 weeks earlier inviting me to attend the #DisneySMMC event in New York City.  And it’s a good thing.  I needed all the pixie dust (and coffee!) I could find when my alarm went off at 2:30 AM on Monday, June 15.  With a spoonful of sugar to help the coffee go down and a Disney Bounding outfit ready to go, I boarded a 4:25 AM train out of Maryland and was on my way to the Big Apple. 

The New Amsterdam Theatre in New York City

"Genie, I wish for an amazing conference." Wish granted!

The day began with registration, breakfast, “swag bags,” a photo op, and pin trading all before 8:30 AM.  This was a great way to kick off the celebration and begin conversations with fellow bloggers and social media moms.  Unfortunately, nobody was interested in my pin so, alas, no pin trading for me – but the photo op and props added a great deal of fun as everyone showed their #DisneySide.

The props at the Disney photo booth were a lot of fun!
Yummy breakfast. . .and the much appreciated coffee!!

The event was held at the New Amsterdam Theatre, which is home to Disney’s Broadway production of Aladdin.  Promptly at 8:30 AM, we were invited upstairs to make our Broadway debut as we found our seats on stage at the theatre for the conference to begin.  Leanne O’Regan began the day with a welcome and a brief overview of some of the upcoming magic at Disney Parks and other vacation destinations in the Disney family.  I’ll have more on that in a later post!

Leanne welcoming us to he conference.

Ready to learn!
The learning component of the conference was made up of a series of speakers from both Disney and other brands speaking to us about building our brand and presence on social media.  Some of my favorite tips of the day included:

  • Make lists to get creative.  When you force your brain to list 10 - 12 ideas, you push past logic and see where your creativity can take you. - Jenn from the Disney Parks Blog (@DisneyParksJenn)
  • Apps like Magisto and Videolicious allow you to turn your photos and videos into professional looking content quickly and easily. - Victoria Lim (@VictoriaLim)
  • Tweet on trending topics, but through the lens of your brand. - The editing team from Babble (@Babble) 
  • Be personal, be creative, and craft a unique voice. - Melissa Kraxenberg (@ladyandprince) 

The day wrapped up with a visit from the mouse himself, Mickey!  Then we received a special surprise – a backstage tour of the New Amsterdam theatre.  There was so much history and fun packed into that tour that I’m dedicating a separate post to that later on.

I'm like a little kid. . .thrilled to have a photo op with Mickey Mouse!

Sadly, the day came to end all too quickly.  But our “swag bags” gave us lots of goodies to remember the day and embrace our #DisneySide.  As someone relatively new to the world of social media and blogging, the event was such a great opportunity to learn from some amazing speakers and gave me lots of ideas to take back and improve my blog.  And, the Disney fan in me enjoyed every pixie-dusted surprise of the day!
Thanks for a great day!

I'm Going On The Road!

The Friday before Memorial Day weekend is generally a reason for celebration.  It signals the start of summer, warmer weather, and the beginning of a holiday weekend to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  The weekend also carries with it cookouts and time with family and friends.  But this year, that particular Friday was sprinkled with a little extra magic.

"Kristi, you just received a pixie dusted email.  What are you going to do know?"

I'm going to the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in New York City!

Each year, Disney celebrates bloggers and social media mom influencers with a conference in either Disneyland or Walt Disney World plus a few other one day celebrations known as "On the Road" events.  Invites to each of these are anxiously anticipated and highly coveted!  No one quite knows the magic formula to get invited to one of the conferences as invitees range from novices in the world of social media to some big time bloggers and individuals with thousands of Twitter followers.  This year, by the grace of some Disney magic, I've been invited to attend Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road in New York City.  I couldn't have been more excited to see that little ol' me was invited after just beginning my journey into the world of blogging a little over a year ago.

So what am I hoping to take away from the day?

Disney Surprises! - Everything Disney does is done well!  I can't wait to see the magic and surprises that await us in NYC.  Even though the conference is only 5 hours, I'm sure it will be packed with all of the special Disney touches that only Disney can do.

Learning - I am certainly new to the world of social media and blogging.  While my Twitter, Instagram, and blog following have grown a lot in the past few months, I have a lot to learn to continue my journey in the world of social media!

Meeting Friends - The Disney social media community is so wonderful and supportive.  Between Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook I feel like I've come to know some great ladies (and some Disney Dads too!) who are as passionate about Disney as I am even though we've never met.  Half the fun of yesterday, was celebrating with others invited and planning to say "hi" in the Big Apple!

In the weeks ahead, look for posts as I get ready to attend and then, of course, some follow-up posts on what I learned!  And for those of you on social media, follow the excitement by looking for #DisneySMMC and #Disney OTR on Twitter and Instagram.