Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts

My Favorite Quarantine Recipes

Famous Butter Chicken and Bacon Green Bean Casserole

If you follow my blog regularly, you know you can find lots of information here about entertainment and family travel, but food blogging is not typically my strong suit.  Well. . .nothing has really changed with that during the quarantine.  I'm not a super creative person when it comes to creating recipes and putting cute spins on things, but I am good a finding recipes on Pinterest and have been having fun copying them for my family.  I'm going to share a few of my favorite links here so you can give them a try in your kitchen.

What Makes Something a Favorite Quarantine Recipe

I have a few pieces of criteria I look for with my favorite recipes right now.  They still have to be pretty simple to follow.  I have young kids at home which means I'm working and schooling in addition to trying to do the basics like keeping them fed and bathed.  I don't want anything overly complicated and a lot of times they like to help me cook so the more simple the recipe, the better.  Also, nobody wants to be running to the grocery store all the time in these circumstances, so my favorite recipes have to be ones that include mainly "on-hand" ingredients - not super unique spices or unusual things.  Lastly, they have to be pretty kid-friendly.  If you know me personally, you know my kids are among some of the pickiest eaters on the planet.  There are some of these recipes they won't eat, but I like to keep them kid-friendly enough that I can entice them to at least try something new at dinner.

Favorite Quarantine Main Dish Recipes

Favorite Quarantine Side Dish Recipes

Easy Garlic Skillet Potatoes (I spice these up with some bell peppers too!)

Favorite Quarantine Dessert Recipes

Hot Milk Cake
Easy Pie Crust (This is the recipe I used for the Ham Pot Pie above)
Amish Cinnamon Bread

Amish Cinnamon Bread

Keep checking back!  I'll be updating this frequently as I continue to try new recipes.  Let me know if you have any favorites that I should try during this time too!