Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot - Cute Craft Ideas!

Amethyst Dig from The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot

If you've read my review of The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot, you are well aware how much our family enjoyed this delightful children's chapter book.  Full of adventures, life lessons, courage, and heart each page brings something new to celebrate.  Now, I'm excited to share with you these craft ideas that go along with the story designed by the creative mind of Amy at As The Bunny Hops!

Looking for coloring pages for The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot? Find them here!

Coincidentally, my 8-year old son has been fascinated by studying rocks this summer and he instantly took to Rockford's Amethyst and I know he'll want to make his own dig!

Looking for fun in the kitchen?  Check out these recipes that go with The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot!

Have fun reading this summer and creating your own adventures!  Be sure to share your crafts on social media with the hashtag #RockfordTHoneypot!


The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot - Recipes To Enjoy with the Book!

Hazelnut Pancakes Recipe from The Healthy Mouse

The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot is now available and trust me when I say this book is one that you'll enjoy with your kids!  

Missed my review of The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot?  Find it here!

But we all know reading is only part of the adventure.  I really enjoy doing activities with my kids that make the book come to life and create memories for both of us.  That's why I was really excited to see my friend Jessica from over at The Healthy Mouse created some Rockford T. Honeypot recipes.  Check them out!

Looking for more family fun? Click here to head to my preview of the book and download FREE coloring pages.

Which ones are you excited to try?  I think I see some Hazelnut Pancakes and Lemon Sorbet in our future!  If you give any of this recipes a try, be sure to tag me on Instagram and Twitter @dsnyrunrgrl so I can see your creations.


The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot: Three Important Themes for Children

I just finished reading The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot by Josh Gottsegen with my 8-year-old son and there is so much that hit home with us.  The book is told by an aged Rockford T. Honeypot who is recounting his adventures in a busy market.  It is obvious that he is clearly famous, but readers will have to dive into the pages of this book to find out why he is so well known in his old age.  While the book is a children's adventure story at it's core, there is so much more that young readers will relate with along the way.  

Learn more about the book and the author here! 


Too many young people today know what it's like to be teased and jeered by peers simply for the sake of being mean.  In Chapter 2, we hear a pretty gut-wrenching tale of how mean the neighborhood bully and Rockford's own brothers were to him growing up.  Rockford found solace in his mother's arms, but these experiences being bullied stayed with him throughout his life.  He even shared a strategy he used as a child with his mother when he was upset.  They had their minute limit.  

"After sixty seconds, we would take a deep breath, and just like the sun burns the clouds away, let it all go without giving it one more thought." ~ Rockford T. Honeypot

The pain didn't stop with peers his own age.  Rockford also had to grow up with a father that saw him as a failure.  My heart broke as Rockford shared his story about his family leaving him.  The poor little chipmunk was all alone in the world and had to find a way to make it on his own. 

Overcoming Fears

Rockford has a lot of fears and insecurities for a little chipmunk. While he craves adventure and dreams of doing daring new things, his own worries about the world around him can be a lot for him to overcome.  My son has dealt with his own struggles battling some mild anxieties and he really related to Rockford in this respect.  It's natural for kids to worry about things they haven't seen or tried before.  Rockford T. Honeypot puts this into action for kids to see that they are not alone in being scared and, perhaps even more importantly, when they face their fears, some amazing things can happen!

"Curiosity is an extraordinary ingredient in our lives.  It can lead to new ideas, new friends, and to the orchids hidden deep in the swamp." ~ Rockford T. Honeypot

The Power of Friendship

Having true friends - friends who believe in you and help you along the way - is a rare and beautiful gift.  Along the way in his adventures, Rockford meets a number of friends who help him along the way and allow him to learn more about himself.  While Rockford had difficulties in his youth with relationships with his peers and his father, he quickly finds that all animals aren't the same.  Some people are there to offer you an opportunity to come work in their restaurant while others rescue you on a mountainside and the care for you as one of their own.  Along the way of life you meet people who will pass quickly in and out of your life and others who are with you for the long haul, but each lives footprints on your soul and become a part of your story.

Looking for some fun coloring pages of Rockford and his friends to enjoy along with the book?  Find them here!

My Final Thoughts 

We really enjoyed following along with Rockford T. Honeypot on his adventures!  At 8, my son was probably a little too young to read the book independently as it is a bit long for his age, but he looked forward to our nightly read aloud sessions and the book had many valuable lessons that we were able to talk about as we read together.  If you're considering this as an independent read, I would say upper elementary school should be able to handle it without a problem.  While it's a children's book, parents will become engrossed in the stories of Rockford T. Honeypot as well and maybe be reminded of a few lessons we've learned along the way too.

Check out these recipes and crafts to go along with the book too!

"Beauty is everywhere. Sometimes you just need to look from a different angle." ~ Rockford T. Honeypot

The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot by Josh Gottsegen is now available wherever you buy books - Paperback, iBooks, and Kindle.  Be sure to share your adventures in reading this story with your family using #RockfordTHoneypot!  

I received a copy of this book to enjoy with my family so I could share my review! As always, thoughts and opinions are my own!

Coming Soon: The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot

It's always a good time for adventure, right?  

My boys and I love good adventure stories and I'm excited to have the opportunity to receive an advanced copy of The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot by Josh Gottsegen to review.  Let's take a look at what adventures await!

About The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot

As a young chipmunk, shy, bookish Rockford T. Honeypot had dreams of thrilling adventures across the forest.  However, timid of danger and germs, his only adventures were found in books and his imagination.  Until one day, he sets off on a legendary journey beyond his wildest dreams! From exploring cuisines with a famous
 chef, training with ancient warrior monks, flying on giant hawks, finding true love, and much more, Rockford recounts his epic origin story of hardship, perseverance, and fortune.

I'm excited to hear how Rockford overcomes his fears as a young chipmunk.  My son struggles with some mild anxiety that sometimes keeps him from trying new things.  It sounds like this book may help him learn a bit about facing his own fears to seek the adventure that undoubtedly awaits him.  

We are just beginning the book and look forward to sharing a review soon!  In the meantime, you can pre-order this book before it's release on June 23rd at the links below.

You can also check out these FREE downloadable coloring sheets to introduce your kids to the characters of the story.  

Stay tuned for all of the excitement and adventure that awaits Rockford T. Honeypot as well as our family as we enjoy the book!

About the Author

Los Angeles native Josh Gottsegen has a background in filmmaking and digital media and is the author of "Joosh's Juice Bar," an early elementary school children's book series that encourages healthy eating habits through vivid illustrations and Dr. Seussian-style rhymes.  Earning his BA in Film Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara, Gottsegen has won numerous awards for his short films and video productions.  Starting professionally at NBCUniversal Interactive, later Josh Gottsegen moved into editing as well as other creative projects for the Walt Disney Company, Fox Corporation, IMG, and the NFL.

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I received a copy of The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot in order to provide a review to my readers.
