Earn Your Skipper's License

I always love when I find a new little treat at Walt Disney World and on our last vacation with the kids, I learned about the Skipper's License on the Jungle Cruise in Magic Kingdom.  On this particular July day, we entered Magic Kingdom first thing in the morning and, instead of heading to New Fantasyland like many of the crowds, we turned left towards Adventureland.  We were pleasantly surprised to find a practically abandoned section of the park with no wait for the Jungle Cruise or The Magic Carpets of Aladdin.  Our first stop of the day was the Jungle Cruise where we walked right on and had the boat to ourselves!

Once we pulled away from the dock, our skipper asked Brody if he'd like to join him at the steering wheel and take a turn driving the boat.  Brody was a little nervous at first, but with some comforting words and the offer of help, he stepped up to the wheel and became our tour guide.  It was a really great experience and the smile on his face showed what a good time he was having!
After we returned to the dock and disembarked, Brody was presented with his very own Skipper's License.  He was told to hang onto the license and anytime he returns to the Jungle Cruise and shows it, he can drive again!  When you think of all of the souvenirs lining the many gift shops of Walt Disney World, this is a truly unique takeaway from the trip and one that he will be sure to keep for a long time.

So how can a little one in your family become the skipper?  Great question.  I know we were lucky enough to have the boat to ourselves which made it easy to be picked.  I've been on the Jungle Cruise countless times over the years and don't remember this, but I may have just been oblivious.  If you're interested, I would try to get to the Jungle Cruise early in the day when the crowds are less or try to snag a seat close to the skipper if you're traveling on a busier boat ride.  

Happy sailing friends!  And don't forget to watch out for those wild animals along the journey!



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